Truckers of Europe 3 android beta game


About this Game

 The truckers of Europe 3 game is initially named Truckers of Europe 3. Later changed its name to Truckers of Europe3(TOE3) due to name conflict with ETS.

The developer of the game is Wanda software. To get an immediate update from the developers gets in touch with their FaceBook page.

If you are an ETS 2 fan then you may be missing it on mobile devices. This despondency full filled by Wanda software.

I can surely say TOE 3 be the mobile ETS2. Because I played the beta release of the game.

Wanda software released their Beta or testing version of the game. They released two versions of APK. The second one is an updated and bug-fixed version of the first APK.

Below I mention some features of this game


  • Realistic HD graphics
  • Easy controls
  • Refueling
  • Day night cycle
  • Realistic weather conditions
  • Drive across country roads and highways
  • Realistic interior
  • Realistic engine sounds
  • Variety of trailers
  • Variety of trucks

  • Truckers of Europe 3 beta download link below


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