How to install skin for Truckers of Europe 3?

Steps to Install the skin in Truckers of Europe 3

  1. Download or create the skin
  2. Paste the skin into the destination folder
  3. Load the skin

Step 1: Download or create skin

  • Download or create the skin.
  • For better performance PNG format is prefered by the game developers 

Step 2:Paste the skin into the destination folder

  • Paste the skin into the destination folder.
  • Paste the skin into the appropriate folder based on the truck you want.
  • Here I pasted the skin for truck MOON THA. You paste based on the truck's wants.
Android->Data->com.WandaSoftware.TruckersofEurope3->files->Skins->Moon->THA(paste here)
Due to new Android policy we won't accesse the destination folder.We need Z-archiever app for doing this.

Step 3:Load the Skin

Follow the below steps
  1. Open the "store" in the game
  2. Click "Truck"
  3. Open "Configure"
  4. Click "colour & skin"
  5. Click "Add New Skin"
  6. Then "load the skin" you want.




The above-detailed procedure is explained in the below video. To know the details watch the below video.

Download Skin:

Video Explanation

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